제프 쿤스 Jeff Koons


시카고 예술대학

메릴랜드 인스티튜드 컬리지 오브 아트

2019 5월 작품이 9 110만 달러에 낙찰되며 경매 최고가의 생존 작가.

주요 수상 내역

2023  Menschen in Europa Art Award, Munich, Germany

Premio Galileo 2000 Award, Palazzo Vecchio Florence, Italy

2022  Anniversary Medal for the completion of 200 years since the start of the Greek Revolution presented by the mayor of Hydra, Georgios Koukoudakis, Hydra, Greece

Honorree, Smithsonian's Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Groundbreaking Ceremony, Washington, D.C.

2021  Renaissance Man of the Year Award presented by the Palazzo Strozzi Foundation USA, Florence, Italy

        U.S. Consulate General’s Award for Cultural Diplomacy presented by Consul General Ragini Gupta, Palazzo Tornabuoni, Florence, Italy 

외 다수 
