1989 홍익대학교 대학원 동양화전공 석사
1987 홍익대학교 미술대학 동양화전공 학사


2024 Gunuine Hope, 현대백화점 판교점 아트라운지, 판교

         김순철 개인전, 산목휘 갤러리, 부산
2023  About Wish, 그랜드 하얏트 호텔, 제주
          HALO, 갤러리 그라프, 서울
2019 김순철작품전, 서울아산병원갤러리, 서울
2018 김순철작품전, 뷰크레스트, 제주
          김순철작품전, 갤러리H 기획, 서울
2017 김순철작품전, 장은선갤러리 기획, 서울
2016 김순철작품전, 갤러리써포먼트 기획, 서울
2015 김순철작품전, 장은선갤러리 기획, 서울
2014 김순철작품전, 갤러리한옥 기획, 서울
          김순철작품전, 갤러리델피노 기획, 대명 골프앤리조트, 고성

주요 단체전
2025 보이지 않는, 느낄 수 있는, 갤러리 그라프, 서울
2024 BAMA 2024, 갤러리 그라프, BEXCO, 부산
          화랑미술제 2024, COEX, 서울
          Affordable Art Fair London, 런던, 영국
          Grand Art Fair, 신라호텔, 서울
2023 About Wish, 갤러리 그라프, 서울
2020 갤러리H기획-일상의 빛, 갤러리 H, 서울
         K옥션-코로나19 자선경매전, K-옥션, 서울
          붓다의 향기, 동덕갤러리, 서울
         한국의 빛나는 작가들전, 갤러리바움기획, 서울
         경주아트페어, 경주화백컨벤션센터, 경주
2019  KIAF 2019, COEX, 서울
          화랑미술제, COEX, 서울
          홍익아트페어, 갤러리H, 서울
           Affordableartfair Singapore, F1 pit building, 싱가포르
2018  KIAF 2018, COEX, 서울
          화랑미술제, COEX, 서울
          Busan Art Show, BEXCO, 부산
          Affordableartfair singapore, F1 pit building, 싱가포르
          Affordableartfair HongKong, HKCEC, 홍콩
2017  Busan Art Show, BEXCO, 부산
          KIAF 2017, COEX, 서울
          화랑미술제, COEX, 서울
2016  Busan Art Show, BEXCO, 부산
           Affordableartfair Singapore, F1 pit Building, 싱가포르
           KIAF 2016, COEX, 서울
           화랑미술제, COEX, 서울
2015  소마드로잉,무심無心, 소마미술관기획, 서울
           Art Karlsruhe, Messe Karlsruhe, 독일
         천변만화 - 그림 속 도자기를 만나다, 이천시립월전미술관기획, 이천
         Affordableartfair Hong Kong, HKCEC, 홍콩
         Afforedableartfair Singapore, F1 pit building, 싱가포르
         KIAF 2015, COEX, 서울
         화랑미술제, COEX, 서울

국립현대미술관 미술은행, 국립공주대학교, 기업은행, 삼성생명, 상명대학교박물관, 세종호텔, 이천시립월전미술관, 한국전력 외 다수 ​


1989 M.F.A Oriental Painting, Hongik University, Seoul

1987 B.F.A Oriental Painting, Hongik University, Seoul


Selected Solo Exhibitions

2024 Gunuine Hope, Art Lounge , Hyundai Department Store, Pangyo, Korea 

        KIM Sooncheol solo exhibition, Gallery Sanmok & Hwi, Busan, Korea

2023 About Wish, Gallery We, Seoul, Korea

About Wish, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Jeju Island, Korea

HALO, Gallery Grappe, Seoul, Korea

About Wish-golden age, Heesugallery, Seoul, Korea

2022 Substance of Self-Portrait, Gallery Sein, Seoul, Korea

About wish, Insa Art Plaza, Seoul, Korea

2021 Invitation Exhibit, Donhwamun Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Surface of the Moon, Hanji Theme Park, Wonju, Korea

2020 About Wish, Gallery Doo, Seoul, Korea

2018 About Wish, Vuecrest Gallery, Jeju Island, Korea

2017 Invitation Exhibit, Jang Eun Sun Gallery, Seoul, Korea

And More

Selected Group Exhibitions

2024 BAMA (Basan Annual Market of Art), BEXCO, Busan, Korea

The Grand Art Fair, The Shilla Hotel, Seoul, Korea

2023 Seoul Art Show, Gallery Grappe, COEX, Seoul, Korea

Viewing Room, Hedwig Gallery, Seoul, Korea

AAF Singapore, Bol Gallery, Singapore

Art Ground London, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK

About Wish, Gallery Grappe, Seoul, Korea

Emptying and Filling, Meta Gallery Laluna, Seoul, Korea

Still, Wave and Again..., Hegwig Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Brilliant Thread, BEKA Gallery, Seoul, Korea

BAMA, BEXCO, Busan, Korea 2022 Seoul Art Show, COEX, Seoul, Korea

Neo-Skin, U-Wool Art Center Gallery Gumho, Daegu, Korea

AAF Singapore, Singapore KIAF, COEX, Seoul, Korea

Changing repetition, Shinsegae Gallery, Daegu, Korea

Art Jeju, Lotte Hotel Jeju, Jeju Island, Korea

2021 Gyeongju Art Fair, Gyeongju, Korea

The Artists of The Year - Cheonan Zero Project, Cheonan Museum of Arts, Cheonan, Korea

KIAF, Seoul, Korea

Inter-Burgo ...and Art, Gallery Sein x Hotel InterBurgo, Daegu, Korea

Plastic Art Seoul, COEX, Korea

2020 Every Day Light, Gallery H, Seoul, Korea

K Auction-COVID-19 Charity Auction, K-Auction, Seoul, Korea

Scent of Buddha, Dong Duk Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Korea's brilliant Artist Exhibition, Gallery Baum, Seoul, Korea

Gyeongju Art Fair, HICO, Gyeongju, Korea

2019 KIAF, Seoul, South Korea

Affordable Art Fair Singapore, Singapore

2018 KIAF, Seoul, South Korea

Busan Art Show, Busan, South Korea

Affordable Art Fair Singapore, Singapore

Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong, Hong Kong

2017 KIAF, Seoul, South Korea Busan Art Show, Busan, South Korea

2016 Affordable Art Fair Singapore, Singapore

And More


2016 MMCA Art Bank Collection, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

2008 MMCA Art Bank Collection, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

2006 MMCA Art Bank Collection, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

2005 Beijing International Art Exposition Prize, Beijing, China



National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Korea, Kongju National University, Industrial Bank of Korea, Sejong Hotel, KEPCO and more.

